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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_INTEL_QUARK_DTS_THERMAL
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_INTEL_QUARK_DTS_THERMAL:
, intel_quark_dts_thermal
Enable this to register Intel Quark SoC (e.g. X1000) platform digital temperature sensor (DTS). For X1000 SoC, it has one on-die DTS. The DTS will be registered as a thermal zone. There are two trip points: hot & critical. The critical trip point default value is set by underlying BIOS/Firmware.
The configuration item CONFIG_INTEL_QUARK_DTS_THERMAL:
, intel_quark_dts_thermal
Enable this to register Intel Quark SoC (e.g. X1000) platform digital temperature sensor (DTS). For X1000 SoC, it has one on-die DTS. The DTS will be registered as a thermal zone. There are two trip points: hot & critical. The critical trip point default value is set by underlying BIOS/Firmware.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module intel_quark_dts_thermal CONFIG_INTEL_QUARK_DTS_THERMAL : drivers/thermal/Kconfig : "Intel Quark DTS thermal driver" # in 4.2–4.20
lkddb module intel_quark_dts_thermal CONFIG_INTEL_QUARK_DTS_THERMAL : drivers/thermal/intel/Kconfig : "Intel Quark DTS thermal driver" # in 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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