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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_IR_RC5_SZ_DECODER
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_IR_RC5_SZ_DECODER:
, ir-rc5-sz-decoder
Enable this option if you have IR with RC-5 (streamzap) protocol, and if the IR is decoded in software. (The Streamzap PC Remote uses an IR protocol that is almost standard RC-5, but not quite, as it uses an additional bit).
The configuration item CONFIG_IR_RC5_SZ_DECODER:
, ir-rc5-sz-decoder
Enable this option if you have IR with RC-5 (streamzap) protocol, and if the IR is decoded in software. (The Streamzap PC Remote uses an IR protocol that is almost standard RC-5, but not quite, as it uses an additional bit).
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module ir-rc5-sz-decoder CONFIG_IR_RC5_SZ_DECODER : drivers/media/IR/Kconfig : "Enable IR raw decoder for the RC-5 (streamzap) protocol" # in 2.6.37
lkddb module ir-rc5-sz-decoder CONFIG_IR_RC5_SZ_DECODER : drivers/media/rc/Kconfig : "Enable IR raw decoder for the RC-5 (streamzap) protocol" # in 2.6.38–2.6.39, 3.0–3.16
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