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CONFIG_KERNEL_STACK_ORDER: Kernel stack size order

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_KERNEL_STACK_ORDER has multiple definitions:

Kernel stack size order found in arch/um/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_KERNEL_STACK_ORDER:

Help text

This option determines the size of UML kernel stacks. They will be 1 << order pages. The default is OK unless you're running Valgrind on UML, in which case, set this to 3. It is possible to reduce the stack to 1 for 64BIT and 0 for 32BIT on older (pre-2017) CPUs. It is not recommended on newer CPUs due to the increase in the size of the state which needs to be saved when handling signals.

Kernel stack size order found in arch/um/

The configuration item CONFIG_KERNEL_STACK_ORDER:

Help text

This option determines the size of UML kernel stacks. They will be 1 << order pages. The default is OK unless you're running Valgrind on UML, in which case, set this to 3.



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