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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_KEYS_DEBUG_PROC_KEYS
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_KEYS_DEBUG_PROC_KEYS:
This option turns on support for the /proc/keys file - through which can be listed all the keys on the system that are viewable by the reading process.
The only keys included in the list are those that grant View permission to the reading process whether or not it possesses them. Note that LSM security checks are still performed, and may further filter out keys that the current process is not authorised to view.
Only key attributes are listed here; key payloads are not included in the resulting table.
If you are unsure as to whether this is required, answer N.
The configuration item CONFIG_KEYS_DEBUG_PROC_KEYS:
This option turns on support for the /proc/keys file - through which can be listed all the keys on the system that are viewable by the reading process.
The only keys included in the list are those that grant View permission to the reading process whether or not it possesses them. Note that LSM security checks are still performed, and may further filter out keys that the current process is not authorised to view.
Only key attributes are listed here; key payloads are not included in the resulting table.
If you are unsure as to whether this is required, answer N.
The configuration item CONFIG_KEYS_DEBUG_PROC_KEYS:
This option turns on support for the /proc/keys file through which all the keys on the system can be listed.
This option is a slight security risk in that it makes it possible for anyone to see all the keys on the system. Normally the manager pretends keys that are inaccessible to a process don't exist as far as that process is concerned.
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