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CONFIG_MACH_OSIRIS_DVS: Simtec IM2440D20 (OSIRIS) Dynamic Voltage Scaling driver

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MACH_OSIRIS_DVS has multiple definitions:

Simtec IM2440D20 (OSIRIS) Dynamic Voltage Scaling driver found in arch/arm/mach-s3c/Kconfig.s3c24xx

The configuration item CONFIG_MACH_OSIRIS_DVS:

Help text

Say Y/M here if you want to have dynamic voltage scaling support on the Simtec IM2440D20 (OSIRIS) module via the TPS65011.

The DVS driver alters the voltage supplied to the ARM core depending on the frequency it is running at. The driver itself does not do any of the frequency alteration, which is left up to the cpufreq driver.

Simtec IM2440D20 (OSIRIS) Dynamic Voltage Scaling driver found in arch/arm/mach-s3c24xx/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_MACH_OSIRIS_DVS:

Help text

Say Y/M here if you want to have dynamic voltage scaling support on the Simtec IM2440D20 (OSIRIS) module via the TPS65011.

The DVS driver alters the voltage supplied to the ARM core depending on the frequency it is running at. The driver itself does not do any of the frequency alteration, which is left up to the cpufreq driver.

Simtec IM2440D20 (OSIRIS) Dynamic Voltage Scaling driver found in arch/arm/mach-s3c2440/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_MACH_OSIRIS_DVS:

Help text

Say Y/M here if you want to have dynamic voltage scaling support on the Simtec IM2440D20 (OSIRIS) module via the TPS65011.

The DVS driver alters the voltage supplied to the ARM core depending on the frequency it is running at. The driver itself does not do any of the frequency alteration, which is left up to the cpufreq driver.



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