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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MCORE2
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_MCORE2:
Select this for Intel Core 2 and newer Core 2 Xeons (Xeon 51xx and 53xx) CPUs. You can distinguish newer from older Xeons by the CPU family in /proc/cpuinfo. Newer ones have 6 and older ones 15 (not a typo)
The configuration item CONFIG_MCORE2:
Optimize for Intel Core2 and newer Xeons (51xx) You can distinguish the newer Xeons from the older ones using the cpu family field in /proc/cpuinfo. 15 is an older Xeon (use MPSC then), 6 is a newer one. This rule only applies to CPUs that support EM64T.
The configuration item CONFIG_MCORE2:
Select this for Intel Core 2 and newer Core 2 Xeons (Xeon 51xx and 53xx) CPUs. You can distinguish newer from older Xeons by the CPU family in /proc/cpuinfo. Newer ones have 6.
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