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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MPSC
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_MPSC:
Optimize for Intel Pentium 4, Pentium D and older Nocona/Dempsey Xeon CPUs with Intel 64bit which is compatible with x86-64. Note that the latest Xeons (Xeon 51xx and 53xx) are not based on the Netburst core and shouldn't use this option. You can distinguish them using the cpu family field in /proc/cpuinfo. Family 15 is an older Xeon, Family 6 a newer one.
The configuration item CONFIG_MPSC:
Optimize for Intel Pentium 4 and older Nocona/Dempsey Xeon CPUs with Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology(EM64T). For details see Note that the latest Xeons (Xeon 51xx and 53xx) are not based on the Netburst core and shouldn't use this option. You can distinguish them using the cpu family field in /proc/cpuinfo. Family 15 is an older Xeon, Family 6 a newer one (this rule only applies to systems that support EM64T)
The configuration item CONFIG_MPSC:
Optimize for Intel Pentium 4 and Xeon CPUs with Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology(EM64T). For details see
The configuration item CONFIG_MPSC:
Optimize for Intel IA32 with 64bit extension CPUs (Prescott/Nocona/Potomac)
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