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CONFIG_MFD_ROHM_BD71828: ROHM BD71828 and BD71815 Power Management IC

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MFD_ROHM_BD71828 has multiple definitions:

ROHM BD71828 and BD71815 Power Management IC found in drivers/mfd/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_MFD_ROHM_BD71828:

Help text

Select this option to get support for the ROHM BD71828 and BD71815 Power Management ICs. BD71828GW and BD71815AGW are single-chip power management ICs mainly for battery-powered portable devices. The BD71828 integrates 7 buck converters and 7 LDOs. The BD71815 has 5 bucks, 7 LDOs, and a boost for driving LEDs. Both ICs provide also a single-cell linear charger, a Coulomb counter, a real-time clock (RTC), GPIOs and a 32.768 kHz clock gate.

ROHM BD71828 Power Management IC found in drivers/mfd/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_MFD_ROHM_BD71828:

Help text

Select this option to get support for the ROHM BD71828 Power Management IC. BD71828GW is a single-chip power management IC for battery-powered portable devices. The IC integrates 7 buck converters, 7 LDOs, and a 1500 mA single-cell linear charger. Also included is a Coulomb counter, a real-time clock (RTC), and a 32.768 kHz clock gate.



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