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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MIPS_INSANE_LARGE
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_MIPS_INSANE_LARGE:
MIPS R10000 does support a 44 bit / 16TB address space as opposed to previous 64-bit processors which only supported 40 bit / 1TB. If you need processes of more than 1TB virtual address space, say Y here. This will result in additional memory usage, so it is not recommended for normal users.
The configuration item CONFIG_MIPS_INSANE_LARGE:
MIPS R10000 does support a 44 bit / 16TB address space as opposed to previous 64-bit processors which only supported 40 bit / 1TB. If you need processes of more than 1TB virtual address space, say Y here. This will result in additional memory usage, so it is not recommended for normal users.
The configuration item CONFIG_MIPS_INSANE_LARGE:
MIPS R10000 does support a 44 bit / 16TB address space as opposed to previous 64-bit processors which only supported 40 bit / 1TB. If you need processes of more than 1TB virtual address space, say Y here. This will result in additional memory usage, so it is not recommended for normal users.
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