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CONFIG_MLONGCALLS: Enable the -mlong-calls compiler option for big kernels

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MLONGCALLS has multiple definitions:

Enable the -mlong-calls compiler option for big kernels found in arch/parisc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_MLONGCALLS:

Help text

If you configure the kernel to include many drivers built-in instead as modules, the kernel executable may become too big, so that the linker will not be able to resolve some long branches and fails to link your vmlinux kernel. In that case enabling this option will help you to overcome this limit by using the -mlong-calls compiler option.

Usually you want to say N here, unless you e.g. want to build a kernel which includes all necessary drivers built-in and which can be used for TFTP booting without the need to have an initrd ramdisk.

Enabling this option will probably slow down your kernel.

found in arch/parisc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_MLONGCALLS:

Help text

If you configure the kernel to include many drivers built-in instead as modules, the kernel executable may become too big, so that the linker will not be able to resolve some long branches and fails to link your vmlinux kernel. In that case enabling this option will help you to overcome this limit by using the -mlong-calls compiler option.

Usually you want to say N here, unless you e.g. want to build a kernel which includes all necessary drivers built-in and which can be used for TFTP booting without the need to have an initrd ramdisk.

Enabling this option will probably slow down your kernel.



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