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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MTD_PISMO
This driver allows for discovery of PISMO modules - see These are small modules containing up to five memory devices (eg, SRAM, flash, DOC) described by an I2C EEPROM.
This driver does not create any MTD maps itself; instead it creates MTD physmap and MTD SRAM platform devices. If you enable this option, you should consider enabling MTD_PHYSMAP and/or MTD_PLATRAM according to the devices on your module.
When built as a module, it will be called pismo.ko
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb i2c "pismo" : CONFIG_MTD CONFIG_MTD_PISMO : drivers/mtd/maps/pismo.c # in 2.6.33–2.6.39, 3.0–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb module pismo CONFIG_MTD_PISMO : drivers/mtd/maps/Kconfig : "MTD discovery driver for PISMO modules" # in 2.6.33–2.6.39, 3.0–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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