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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MTD_UBI
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_MTD_UBI:
UBI is a software layer above MTD layer which admits use of LVM-like logical volumes on top of MTD devices, hides some complexities of flash chips like wear and bad blocks and provides some other useful capabilities. Please, consult the MTD web site for more details (
The configuration item CONFIG_MTD_UBI:
UBI is a software layer above MTD layer which admits of LVM-like logical volumes on top of MTD devices, hides some complexities of flash chips like wear and bad blocks and provides some other useful capabilities. Please, consult the MTD web site for more details (
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module ubi CONFIG_MTD_UBI : drivers/mtd/ubi/Kconfig : "Enable UBI - Unsorted block images" # in 2.6.22–2.6.39, 3.0–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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