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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MXC_DEBUG_BOARD
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_MXC_DEBUG_BOARD:
The debug board is an integral part of the MXC 3-stack(PDK) platforms, it can be attached or removed from the peripheral board. On debug board, several debug devices(ethernet, UART, buttons, LEDs and JTAG) are implemented. Between the MCU and these devices, a CPLD is added as a bridge which performs data/address de-multiplexing and decode, signal level shift, interrupt control and various board functions.
The configuration item CONFIG_MXC_DEBUG_BOARD:
The debug board is an integral part of the MXC 3-stack(PDK) platforms, it can be attached or removed from the peripheral board. On debug board, several debug devices(ethernet, UART, buttons, LEDs and JTAG) are implemented. Between the MCU and these devices, a CPLD is added as a bridge which performs data/address de-multiplexing and decode, signal level shift, interrupt control and various board functions.
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