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CONFIG_NET_DSA_SJA1105: NXP SJA1105 Ethernet switch family support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_NET_DSA_SJA1105:

Help text

This is the driver for the NXP SJA1105 (5-port) and SJA1110 (10-port) automotive Ethernet switch family. These are managed over an SPI interface. Probing is handled based on OF bindings and so is the linkage to PHYLINK. The driver supports the following revisions: - SJA1105E (Gen. 1, No TT-Ethernet) - SJA1105T (Gen. 1, TT-Ethernet) - SJA1105P (Gen. 2, No SGMII, No TT-Ethernet) - SJA1105Q (Gen. 2, No SGMII, TT-Ethernet) - SJA1105R (Gen. 2, SGMII, No TT-Ethernet) - SJA1105S (Gen. 2, SGMII, TT-Ethernet) - SJA1110A (Gen. 3, SGMII, TT-Ethernet, 100base-TX PHY, 10 ports) - SJA1110B (Gen. 3, SGMII, TT-Ethernet, 100base-TX PHY, 9 ports) - SJA1110C (Gen. 3, SGMII, TT-Ethernet, 100base-TX PHY, 7 ports) - SJA1110D (Gen. 3, SGMII, TT-Ethernet, no 100base-TX PHY, 7 ports)



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