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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_NOT_COHERENT_CACHE has multiple definitions:

found in arch/powerpc/platforms/Kconfig.cputype

The configuration item CONFIG_NOT_COHERENT_CACHE:

Help text


Turn off Cache Coherency found in arch/ppc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_NOT_COHERENT_CACHE:

Help text

Some 64x60 bridges lock up when trying to enforce cache coherency. When this option is selected, cache coherency will be turned off. Note that this can cause other problems (e.g., stale data being speculatively loaded via a cached mapping). Use at your own risk.

found in arch/ppc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_NOT_COHERENT_CACHE:

Help text


found in arch/powerpc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_NOT_COHERENT_CACHE:

Help text


Turn off Cache Coherency found in arch/powerpc/platforms/embedded6xx/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_NOT_COHERENT_CACHE:

Help text

Some 64x60 bridges lock up when trying to enforce cache coherency. When this option is selected, cache coherency will be turned off. Note that this can cause other problems (e.g., stale data being speculatively loaded via a cached mapping). Use at your own risk.



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