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CONFIG_NXP_NETC_BLK_CTRL: NETC blocks control driver

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_NXP_NETC_BLK_CTRL:

Help text

This driver configures Integrated Endpoint Register Block (IERB) and Privileged Register Block (PRB) of NETC. For i.MX platforms, it also includes the configuration of NETCMIX block. The IERB contains registers that are used for pre-boot initialization, debug, and non-customer configuration. The PRB controls global reset and global error handling for NETC. The NETCMIX block is mainly used to set MII protocol and PCS protocol of the links, it also contains settings for some other functions.

If compiled as module (M), the module name is nxp-netc-blk-ctrl.



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