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CONFIG_OPT_LIB_FUNCTION: Optimalized lib function

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_OPT_LIB_FUNCTION has multiple definitions:

Optimalized lib function found in arch/microblaze/Kconfig.platform

The configuration item CONFIG_OPT_LIB_FUNCTION:

Help text

Allows turn on optimalized library function (memcpy and memmove). They are optimized by using word alignment. This will work fine if both source and destination are aligned on the same boundary. However, if they are aligned on different boundaries shifts will be necessary. This might result in bad performance on MicroBlaze systems without a barrel shifter.

Optimalized lib function found in arch/microblaze/platform/Kconfig.platform

The configuration item CONFIG_OPT_LIB_FUNCTION:

Help text

Allows turn on optimalized library function (memcpy and memmove). They are optimized by using word alignment. This will work fine if both source and destination are aligned on the same boundary. However, if they are aligned on different boundaries shifts will be necessary. This might result in bad performance on MicroBlaze systems without a barrel shifter.



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