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CONFIG_RAMSTER: Cross-machine RAM capacity sharing, aka peer-to-peer tmem

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_RAMSTER has multiple definitions:

Cross-machine RAM capacity sharing, aka peer-to-peer tmem found in drivers/staging/zcache/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_RAMSTER:

Help text

RAMster allows RAM on other machines in a cluster to be utilized dynamically and symmetrically instead of swapping to a local swap disk, thus improving performance on memory-constrained workloads while minimizing total RAM across the cluster. RAMster, like zcache2, compresses swap pages into local RAM, but then remotifies the compressed pages to another node in the RAMster cluster.

Cross-machine RAM capacity sharing, aka peer-to-peer tmem found in drivers/staging/zcache/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_RAMSTER:

Help text

RAMster allows RAM on other machines in a cluster to be utilized dynamically and symmetrically instead of swapping to a local swap disk, thus improving performance on memory-constrained workloads while minimizing total RAM across the cluster. RAMster, like zcache2, compresses swap pages into local RAM, but then remotifies the compressed pages to another node in the RAMster cluster.

Cross-machine RAM capacity sharing, aka peer-to-peer tmem found in drivers/staging/ramster/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_RAMSTER:

Help text

RAMster allows RAM on other machines in a cluster to be utilized dynamically and symmetrically instead of swapping to a local swap disk, thus improving performance on memory-constrained workloads while minimizing total RAM across the cluster. RAMster, like zcache2, compresses swap pages into local RAM, but then remotifies the compressed pages to another node in the RAMster cluster.



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