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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_RDMA_SIW
This driver implements the iWARP RDMA transport over the Linux TCP/IP network stack. It enables a system with a standard Ethernet adapter to interoperate with a iWARP adapter or with another system running the SIW driver. (See also RXE which is a similar software driver for RoCE.)
The driver interfaces with the Linux RDMA stack and implements both a kernel and user space RDMA verbs API. The user space verbs API requires a support library named libsiw which is loaded by the generic user space verbs API, libibverbs. To implement RDMA over TCP/IP, the driver further interfaces with the Linux in-kernel TCP socket layer.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module siw CONFIG_RDMA_SIW : drivers/infiniband/sw/siw/Kconfig : "Software RDMA over TCP/IP (iWARP) driver" # in 5.3–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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