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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_RISCV_ISA_SVPBMT
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_RISCV_ISA_SVPBMT:
Adds support to dynamically detect the presence of the Svpbmt ISA-extension (Supervisor-mode: page-based memory types) and enable its usage.
The memory type for a page contains a combination of attributes that indicate the cacheability, idempotency, and ordering properties for access to that page.
The Svpbmt extension is only available on 64-bit cpus.
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The configuration item CONFIG_RISCV_ISA_SVPBMT:
Adds support to dynamically detect the presence of the SVPBMT ISA-extension (Supervisor-mode: page-based memory types) and enable its usage.
The memory type for a page contains a combination of attributes that indicate the cacheability, idempotency, and ordering properties for access to that page.
The SVPBMT extension is only available on 64Bit cpus.
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