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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_RPCSEC_GSS_KRB5_KUNIT_TEST
This builds the KUnit tests for RPCSEC GSS Kerberos 5.
KUnit tests run during boot and output the results to the debug log in TAP format ( Only useful for kernel devs running KUnit test harness and are not for inclusion into a production build.
For more information on KUnit and unit tests in general, refer to the KUnit documentation in Documentation/dev-tools/kunit/.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module gss_krb5_test CONFIG_RPCSEC_GSS_KRB5_KUNIT_TEST : net/sunrpc/Kconfig : "KUnit tests for RPCSEC GSS Kerberos" # in 6.3–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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