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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SIMPLE_PM_BUS
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_SIMPLE_PM_BUS:
Driver for transparent busses that don't need a real driver, but where the bus controller is part of a PM domain, or under the control of a functional clock, and thus relies on runtime PM for managing this PM domain and/or clock. An example of such a bus controller is the Renesas Bus State Controller (BSC, sometimes called "LBSC within Bus Bridge", or "External Bus Interface") as found on several Renesas ARM SoCs.
The configuration item CONFIG_SIMPLE_PM_BUS:
Driver for transparent busses that don't need a real driver, but where the bus controller is part of a PM domain, or under the control of a functional clock, and thus relies on runtime PM for managing this PM domain and/or clock. An example of such a bus controller is the Renesas Bus State Controller (BSC, sometimes called "LBSC within Bus Bridge", or "External Bus Interface") as found on several Renesas ARM SoCs.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module simple-pm-bus CONFIG_SIMPLE_PM_BUS : drivers/bus/Kconfig : "Simple Power-Managed Bus Driver" # in 4.16–4.20, 5.0–5.14
lkddb of "" "" "simple-pm-bus" : CONFIG_SIMPLE_PM_BUS : drivers/bus/simple-pm-bus.c # in 4.1–4.20, 5.0–5.14
lkddb platform "simple-pm-bus" : CONFIG_SIMPLE_PM_BUS : drivers/bus/simple-pm-bus.c # in 4.1–4.20, 5.0–5.14
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