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CONFIG_SURFACE_AGGREGATOR_REGISTRY: Surface System Aggregator Module Device Registry

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SURFACE_AGGREGATOR_REGISTRY:

Help text

Device-registry for Surface System Aggregator Module (SSAM) devices.

Provides a module and driver which act as a device-registry for SSAM client devices that cannot be detected automatically, e.g. via ACPI. Such devices are instead provided and managed via this registry.

Devices provided via this registry are: - Platform profile (performance-/cooling-mode) device (5th- and later generations). - Battery/AC devices (7th-generation). - HID input devices (7th-generation).

Select M (recommended) or Y here if you want support for the above mentioned devices on the corresponding Surface models. Without this module, the respective devices will not be instantiated and thus any functionality provided by them will be missing, even when drivers for these devices are present. In other words, this module only provides the respective client devices. Drivers for these devices still need to be selected via the other options.



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