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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SURFACE_HOTPLUG:

Help text

Driver for out-of-band hot-plug event signaling on Microsoft Surface devices with hot-pluggable PCIe cards.

This driver is used on Surface Book (2 and 3) devices with a hot-pluggable discrete GPU (dGPU). When not in use, the dGPU on those devices can enter D3cold, which prevents in-band (standard) PCIe hot-plug signaling. Thus, without this driver, detaching the base containing the dGPU will not correctly update the state of the corresponding PCIe device if it is in D3cold. This driver adds support for out-of-band hot-plug notifications, ensuring that the device state is properly updated even when the device in question is in D3cold.

Select M or Y here, if you want to (fully) support hot-plugging of dGPU devices on the Surface Book 2 and/or 3 during D3cold.



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