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CONFIG_TAU: On-chip CPU temperature sensor support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_TAU has multiple definitions:

On-chip CPU temperature sensor support found in arch/powerpc/platforms/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_TAU:

Help text

G3 and G4 processors have an on-chip temperature sensor called the 'Thermal Assist Unit (TAU)', which, in theory, can measure the on-die temperature within 2-4 degrees Celsius. This option shows the current on-die temperature in /proc/cpuinfo if the cpu supports it.

Unfortunately, this sensor is very inaccurate when uncalibrated, so don't assume the cpu temp is actually what /proc/cpuinfo says it is.

Thermal Management Support found in arch/ppc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_TAU:

Help text

G3 and G4 processors have an on-chip temperature sensor called the 'Thermal Assist Unit (TAU)', which, in theory, can measure the on-die temperature within 2-4 degrees Celsius. This option shows the current on-die temperature in /proc/cpuinfo if the cpu supports it.

Unfortunately, on some chip revisions, this sensor is very inaccurate and in some cases, does not work at all, so don't assume the cpu temp is actually what /proc/cpuinfo says it is.

On-chip CPU temperature sensor support found in arch/powerpc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_TAU:

Help text

G3 and G4 processors have an on-chip temperature sensor called the 'Thermal Assist Unit (TAU)', which, in theory, can measure the on-die temperature within 2-4 degrees Celsius. This option shows the current on-die temperature in /proc/cpuinfo if the cpu supports it.

Unfortunately, on some chip revisions, this sensor is very inaccurate and in many cases, does not work at all, so don't assume the cpu temp is actually what /proc/cpuinfo says it is.

Thermal Management Support found in arch/powerpc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_TAU:

Help text

G3 and G4 processors have an on-chip temperature sensor called the 'Thermal Assist Unit (TAU)', which, in theory, can measure the on-die temperature within 2-4 degrees Celsius. This option shows the current on-die temperature in /proc/cpuinfo if the cpu supports it.

Unfortunately, on some chip revisions, this sensor is very inaccurate and in some cases, does not work at all, so don't assume the cpu temp is actually what /proc/cpuinfo says it is.



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