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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_TAU_AVERAGE
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_TAU_AVERAGE:
The TAU hardware can compare the temperature to an upper and lower bound. The default behavior is to show both the upper and lower bound in /proc/cpuinfo. If the range is large, the temperature is either changing a lot, or the TAU hardware is broken (likely on some G4's). If the range is small (around 4 degrees), the temperature is relatively stable. If you say Y here, a single temperature value, halfway between the upper and lower bounds, will be reported in /proc/cpuinfo.
If in doubt, say N here.
The configuration item CONFIG_TAU_AVERAGE:
The TAU hardware can compare the temperature to an upper and lower bound. The default behavior is to show both the upper and lower bound in /proc/cpuinfo. If the range is large, the temperature is either changing a lot, or the TAU hardware is broken (likely on some G4's). If the range is small (around 4 degrees), the temperature is relatively stable. If you say Y here, a single temperature value, halfway between the upper and lower bounds, will be reported in /proc/cpuinfo.
If in doubt, say N here.
The configuration item CONFIG_TAU_AVERAGE:
The TAU hardware can compare the temperature to an upper and lower bound. The default behavior is to show both the upper and lower bound in /proc/cpuinfo. If the range is large, the temperature is either changing a lot, or the TAU hardware is broken (likely on some G4's). If the range is small (around 4 degrees), the temperature is relatively stable. If you say Y here, a single temperature value, halfway between the upper and lower bounds, will be reported in /proc/cpuinfo.
If in doubt, say N here.
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