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CONFIG_TAU_INT: Interrupt driven TAU driver (EXPERIMENTAL)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_TAU_INT has multiple definitions:

Interrupt driven TAU driver (EXPERIMENTAL) found in arch/powerpc/platforms/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_TAU_INT:

Help text

The TAU supports an interrupt driven mode which causes an interrupt whenever the temperature goes out of range. This is the fastest way to get notified the temp has exceeded a range. With this option off, a timer is used to re-check the temperature periodically.

If in doubt, say N here.

Interrupt driven TAU driver (DANGEROUS) found in arch/powerpc/platforms/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_TAU_INT:

Help text

The TAU supports an interrupt driven mode which causes an interrupt whenever the temperature goes out of range. This is the fastest way to get notified the temp has exceeded a range. With this option off, a timer is used to re-check the temperature periodically.

However, on some cpus it appears that the TAU interrupt hardware is buggy and can cause a situation which would lead unexplained hard lockups.

Unless you are extending the TAU driver, or enjoy kernel/hardware debugging, leave this option off.

Interrupt driven TAU driver (DANGEROUS) found in arch/ppc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_TAU_INT:

Help text

The TAU supports an interrupt driven mode which causes an interrupt whenever the temperature goes out of range. This is the fastest way to get notified the temp has exceeded a range. With this option off, a timer is used to re-check the temperature periodically.

However, on some cpus it appears that the TAU interrupt hardware is buggy and can cause a situation which would lead unexplained hard lockups.

Unless you are extending the TAU driver, or enjoy kernel/hardware debugging, leave this option off.

Interrupt driven TAU driver (DANGEROUS) found in arch/powerpc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_TAU_INT:

Help text

The TAU supports an interrupt driven mode which causes an interrupt whenever the temperature goes out of range. This is the fastest way to get notified the temp has exceeded a range. With this option off, a timer is used to re-check the temperature periodically.

However, on some cpus it appears that the TAU interrupt hardware is buggy and can cause a situation which would lead unexplained hard lockups.

Unless you are extending the TAU driver, or enjoy kernel/hardware debugging, leave this option off.



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