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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_TCP_CONG_CDG
CAIA Delay-Gradient (CDG) is a TCP congestion control that modifies the TCP sender in order to:
o Use the delay gradient as a congestion signal. o Back off with an average probability that is independent of the RTT. o Coexist with flows that use loss-based congestion control. o Tolerate packet loss unrelated to congestion.
For further details see: D.A. Hayes and G. Armitage. "Revisiting TCP congestion control using delay gradients." In Networking 2011. Preprint:
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module tcp_cdg CONFIG_TCP_CONG_CDG : net/ipv4/Kconfig : "CAIA Delay-Gradient (CDG)" # in 4.2–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.14
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