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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_TCP_CONG_DCTCP:

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DCTCP leverages Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) in the network to provide multi-bit feedback to the end hosts. It is designed to provide:

- High burst tolerance (incast due to partition/aggregate), - Low latency (short flows, queries), - High throughput (continuous data updates, large file transfers) with commodity, shallow-buffered switches.

All switches in the data center network running DCTCP must support ECN marking and be configured for marking when reaching defined switch buffer thresholds. The default ECN marking threshold heuristic for DCTCP on switches is 20 packets (30KB) at 1Gbps, and 65 packets (~100KB) at 10Gbps, but might need further careful tweaking.

For further details see:



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