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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_TEST_KMOD
Test the kernel's module loading mechanism: kmod. kmod implements support to load modules using the Linux kernel's usermode helper. This test provides a series of tests against kmod.
Although technically you can either build test_kmod as a module or into the kernel we disallow building it into the kernel since it stress tests request_module() and this will very likely cause some issues by taking over precious threads available from other module load requests, ultimately this could be fatal.
To run tests run:
tools/testing/selftests/kmod/ --help
If unsure, say N.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module test_kmod CONFIG_TEST_KMOD : lib/Kconfig.debug : "kmod stress tester" # in 4.13–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.14
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