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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_TIDSPBRIDGE
, tidspbridge
DSP/BIOS Bridge is designed for platforms that contain a GPP and one or more attached DSPs. The GPP is considered the master or "host" processor, and the attached DSPs are processing resources that can be utilized by applications and drivers running on the GPP.
This driver depends on OMAP Mailbox (OMAP_MBOX_FWK).
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module bridgedriver CONFIG_TIDSPBRIDGE : drivers/staging/tidspbridge/Kconfig : "DSP Bridge driver" # in 2.6.36–2.6.39, 3.0–3.3
lkddb module tidspbridge CONFIG_TIDSPBRIDGE : drivers/staging/tidspbridge/Kconfig : "DSP Bridge driver" # in 3.4–3.16
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