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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_TPS68470_PMIC_OPREGION
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_TPS68470_PMIC_OPREGION:
This config adds ACPI operation region support for TI TPS68470 PMIC. TPS68470 device is an advanced power management unit that powers a Compact Camera Module (CCM), generates clocks for image sensors, drives a dual LED for flash and incorporates two LED drivers for general purpose indicators. This driver enables ACPI operation region support control voltage regulators and clocks.
This option is a bool as it provides an ACPI operation region, which must be available before any of the devices using this, are probed.
The configuration item CONFIG_TPS68470_PMIC_OPREGION:
This config adds ACPI operation region support for TI TPS68470 PMIC. TPS68470 device is an advanced power management unit that powers a Compact Camera Module (CCM), generates clocks for image sensors, drives a dual LED for flash and incorporates two LED drivers for general purpose indicators. This driver enables ACPI operation region support control voltage regulators and clocks.
This option is a bool as it provides an ACPI operation region, which must be available before any of the devices using this, are probed.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb platform "tps68470_pmic_opregion" : CONFIG_ACPI CONFIG_TPS68470_PMIC_OPREGION : drivers/acpi/pmic/tps68470_pmic.c # in 4.15–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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