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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_UBSAN_LOCAL_BOUNDS has multiple definitions:

found in lib/Kconfig.ubsan

The configuration item CONFIG_UBSAN_LOCAL_BOUNDS:

Help text

This option enables Clang's -fsanitize=local-bounds which traps when an access through a pointer that is derived from an object of a statically-known size, where an added offset (which may not be known statically) is out-of-bounds. Since this option is trap-only, it depends on UBSAN_TRAP.

Perform array local bounds checking found in lib/Kconfig.ubsan

The configuration item CONFIG_UBSAN_LOCAL_BOUNDS:

Help text

This option enables -fsanitize=local-bounds which traps when an exception/error is detected. Therefore, it may only be enabled with UBSAN_TRAP.

Enabling this option detects errors due to accesses through a pointer that is derived from an object of a statically-known size, where an added offset (which may not be known statically) is out-of-bounds.



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