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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_UBSAN_TRAP
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_UBSAN_TRAP:
Building kernels with Sanitizer features enabled tends to grow the kernel size by around 5%, due to adding all the debugging text on failure paths. To avoid this, Sanitizer instrumentation can just issue a trap. This reduces the kernel size overhead but turns all warnings (including potentially harmless conditions) into full exceptions that abort the running kernel code (regardless of context, locks held, etc), which may destabilize the system. For some system builders this is an acceptable trade-off.
Also note that selecting Y will cause your kernel to Oops with an "illegal instruction" error with no further details when a UBSAN violation occurs. (Except on arm64 and x86, which will report which Sanitizer failed.) This may make it hard to determine whether an Oops was caused by UBSAN or to figure out the details of a UBSAN violation. It makes the kernel log output less useful for bug reports.
The configuration item CONFIG_UBSAN_TRAP:
Building kernels with Sanitizer features enabled tends to grow the kernel size by around 5%, due to adding all the debugging text on failure paths. To avoid this, Sanitizer instrumentation can just issue a trap. This reduces the kernel size overhead but turns all warnings (including potentially harmless conditions) into full exceptions that abort the running kernel code (regardless of context, locks held, etc), which may destabilize the system. For some system builders this is an acceptable trade-off.
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