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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_UNUSED_SYMBOLS
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_UNUSED_SYMBOLS:
Unused but exported symbols make the kernel needlessly bigger. For that reason most of these unused exports will soon be removed. This option is provided temporarily to provide a transition period in case some external kernel module needs one of these symbols anyway. If you encounter such a case in your module, consider if you are actually using the right API. (rationale: since nobody in the kernel is using this in a module, there is a pretty good chance it's actually the wrong interface to use). If you really need the symbol, please send a mail to the linux kernel mailing list mentioning the symbol and why you really need it, and what the merge plan to the mainline kernel for your module is.
The configuration item CONFIG_UNUSED_SYMBOLS:
Unused but exported symbols make the kernel needlessly bigger. For that reason most of these unused exports will soon be removed. This option is provided temporarily to provide a transition period in case some external kernel module needs one of these symbols anyway. If you encounter such a case in your module, consider if you are actually using the right API. (rationale: since nobody in the kernel is using this in a module, there is a pretty good chance it's actually the wrong interface to use). If you really need the symbol, please send a mail to the linux kernel mailing list mentioning the symbol and why you really need it, and what the merge plan to the mainline kernel for your module is.
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