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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_UPROBES
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_UPROBES:
Uprobes is the user-space counterpart to kprobes: they enable instrumentation applications (such as 'perf probe') to establish unintrusive probes in user-space binaries and libraries, by executing handler functions when the probes are hit by user-space applications.
( These probes come in the form of single-byte breakpoints, managed by the kernel and kept transparent to the probed application. )
The configuration item CONFIG_UPROBES:
Uprobes is the user-space counterpart to kprobes: they enable instrumentation applications (such as 'perf probe') to establish unintrusive probes in user-space binaries and libraries, by executing handler functions when the probes are hit by user-space applications.
( These probes come in the form of single-byte breakpoints, managed by the kernel and kept transparent to the probed application. )
If in doubt, say "N".
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