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CONFIG_USB_CDC_COMPOSITE: CDC Composite Device (Ethernet and ACM)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_USB_CDC_COMPOSITE has multiple definitions:

CDC Composite Device (Ethernet and ACM) found in drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_USB_CDC_COMPOSITE:

Help text

This driver provides two functions in one configuration: a CDC Ethernet (ECM) link, and a CDC ACM (serial port) link.

This driver requires four bulk and two interrupt endpoints, plus the ability to handle altsettings. Not all peripheral controllers are that capable.

Say "y" to link the driver statically, or "m" to build a dynamically linked module.

CDC Composite Device (Ethernet and ACM) found in drivers/usb/gadget/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_USB_CDC_COMPOSITE:

Help text

This driver provides two functions in one configuration: a CDC Ethernet (ECM) link, and a CDC ACM (serial port) link.

This driver requires four bulk and two interrupt endpoints, plus the ability to handle altsettings. Not all peripheral controllers are that capable.

Say "y" to link the driver statically, or "m" to build a dynamically linked module.



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