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CONFIG_XEN_SELFBALLOONING: Dynamically self-balloon kernel memory to target

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_XEN_SELFBALLOONING:

Help text

Self-ballooning dynamically balloons available kernel memory driven by the current usage of anonymous memory ("committed AS") and controlled by various sysfs-settable parameters. Configuring FRONTSWAP is highly recommended; if it is not configured, self- ballooning is disabled by default. If FRONTSWAP is configured, frontswap-selfshrinking is enabled by default but can be disabled with the 'tmem.selfshrink=0' kernel boot parameter; and self-ballooning is enabled by default but can be disabled with the 'tmem.selfballooning=0' kernel boot parameter. Note that systems without a sufficiently large swap device should not enable self-ballooning.



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