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CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SIS5513: SiS5513 chipset support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SIS5513:

Help text

This driver ensures (U)DMA support for SIS5513 chipset family based mainboards.

The following chipsets are supported: ATA16: SiS5511, SiS5513 ATA33: SiS5591, SiS5597, SiS5598, SiS5600 ATA66: SiS530, SiS540, SiS620, SiS630, SiS640 ATA100: SiS635, SiS645, SiS650, SiS730, SiS735, SiS740, SiS745, SiS750

Please read the comments at the top of drivers/ide/sis5513.c.



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