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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CHROMEOS_PSTORE
This module instantiates the persistent storage on x86 ChromeOS devices. It can be used to store away console logs and crash information across reboots.
The range of memory used is 0xf00000-0x1000000, traditionally the memory used to back VGA controller memory.
If you have a supported Chromebook, choose Y or M here. The module will be called chromeos_pstore.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb acpi "GOOG9999" : CONFIG_CHROMEOS_PSTORE CONFIG_CHROME_PLATFORMS : drivers/platform/chrome/chromeos_pstore.c # in 4.7–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb module chromeos_pstore CONFIG_CHROMEOS_PSTORE : drivers/platform/chrome/Kconfig : "Chrome OS pstore support" # in 3.14–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb platform "chromeos_pstore" : CONFIG_CHROMEOS_PSTORE CONFIG_CHROME_PLATFORMS : drivers/platform/chrome/chromeos_pstore.c # in 4.7–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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