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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_DFS_UPCALL has multiple definitions:

DFS feature support found in fs/smb/client/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_DFS_UPCALL:

Help text

Distributed File System (DFS) support is used to access shares transparently in an enterprise name space, even if the share moves to a different server. This feature also enables an upcall mechanism for CIFS which contacts userspace helper utilities to provide server name resolution (host names to IP addresses) which is needed in order to reconnect to servers if their addresses change or for implicit mounts of DFS junction points. If unsure, say Y.

DFS feature support found in fs/cifs/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_DFS_UPCALL:

Help text

Distributed File System (DFS) support is used to access shares transparently in an enterprise name space, even if the share moves to a different server. This feature also enables an upcall mechanism for CIFS which contacts userspace helper utilities to provide server name resolution (host names to IP addresses) which is needed in order to reconnect to servers if their addresses change or for implicit mounts of DFS junction points. If unsure, say Y.

DFS feature support (EXPERIMENTAL) found in fs/cifs/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_DFS_UPCALL:

Help text

Enables an upcall mechanism for CIFS which contacts userspace helper utilities to provide server name resolution (host names to IP addresses) which is needed for implicit mounts of DFS junction points. If unsure, say N.

DFS feature support (EXPERIMENTAL) found in fs/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_DFS_UPCALL:

Help text

Enables an upcall mechanism for CIFS which contacts userspace helper utilities to provide server name resolution (host names to IP addresses) which is needed for implicit mounts of DFS junction points. If unsure, say N.



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