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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_POSIX
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_POSIX:
Enabling this option will cause the cifs client to attempt to negotiate a feature of the older cifs dialect with servers, such as Samba 3.0.5 or later, that optionally can handle more POSIX like (rather than Windows like) file behavior. It also enables support for POSIX ACLs (getfacl and setfacl) to servers (such as Samba 3.10 and later) which can negotiate CIFS POSIX ACL support. This config option is not needed when mounting with SMB3.1.1. If unsure, say N.
The configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_POSIX:
Enabling this option will cause the cifs client to attempt to negotiate a feature of the older cifs dialect with servers, such as Samba 3.0.5 or later, that optionally can handle more POSIX like (rather than Windows like) file behavior. It also enables support for POSIX ACLs (getfacl and setfacl) to servers (such as Samba 3.10 and later) which can negotiate CIFS POSIX ACL support. This config option is not needed when mounting with SMB3.1.1. If unsure, say N.
The configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_POSIX:
Enabling this option will cause the cifs client to attempt to negotiate a newer dialect with servers, such as Samba 3.0.5 or later, that optionally can handle more POSIX like (rather than Windows like) file behavior. It also enables support for POSIX ACLs (getfacl and setfacl) to servers (such as Samba 3.10 and later) which can negotiate CIFS POSIX ACL support. If unsure, say N.
The configuration item CONFIG_CIFS_POSIX:
Enabling this option will cause the cifs client to attempt to negotiate a newer dialect with servers, such as Samba 3.0.5 or later, that optionally can handle more POSIX like (rather than Windows like) file behavior. It also enables support for POSIX ACLs (getfacl and setfacl) to servers (such as Samba 3.10 and later) which can negotiate CIFS POSIX ACL support. If unsure, say N.
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