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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_DP83TG720_PHY
The DP83TG720S-Q1 is an automotive Ethernet physical layer transceiver compliant with IEEE 802.3bp and Open Alliance standards. It supports key functions necessary for transmitting and receiving data over both unshielded and shielded single twisted-pair cables. This device offers flexible xMII interface options, including support for both RGMII and SGMII MAC interfaces. It's suitable for applications requiring high-speed data transmission in automotive networking environments.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module dp83tg720 CONFIG_DP83TG720_PHY : drivers/net/phy/Kconfig : "Texas Instruments DP83TG720 Ethernet 1000Base-T1 PHY" # in 6.8–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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