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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_DRM_FBDEV_LEAK_PHYS_SMEM
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_DRM_FBDEV_LEAK_PHYS_SMEM:
In order to keep user-space compatibility, we want in certain use-cases to keep leaking the fbdev physical address to the user-space program handling the fbdev buffer. This affects, not only, Amlogic, Allwinner or Rockchip devices with ARM Mali GPUs using a userspace Blob. This option is not supported by upstream developers and should be removed as soon as possible and be considered as a broken and legacy behaviour from a modern fbdev device driver.
Please send any bug reports when using this to your proprietary software vendor that requires this.
If in doubt, say "N" or spread the word to your closed source library vendor.
The configuration item CONFIG_DRM_FBDEV_LEAK_PHYS_SMEM:
In order to keep user-space compatibility, we want in certain use-cases to keep leaking the fbdev physical address to the user-space program handling the fbdev buffer. This affects, not only, Amlogic, Allwinner or Rockchip devices with ARM Mali GPUs using an userspace Blob. This option is not supported by upstream developers and should be removed as soon as possible and be considered as a broken and legacy behaviour from a modern fbdev device driver.
Please send any bug reports when using this to your proprietary software vendor that requires this.
If in doubt, say "N" or spread the word to your closed source library vendor.
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