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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_EDAC_VERSAL
Support for error detection and correction on the Xilinx Versal DDR memory controller.
Report both single bit errors (CE) and double bit errors (UE). Support injecting both correctable and uncorrectable errors for debugging purposes.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module versal_edac CONFIG_EDAC_VERSAL : drivers/edac/Kconfig : "Xilinx Versal DDR Memory Controller" # in 6.7–6.14
lkddb of "" "" "xlnx,versal-ddrmc" : CONFIG_EDAC CONFIG_EDAC_VERSAL : drivers/edac/versal_edac.c # in 6.7–6.14
lkddb platform "xilinx-ddrmc-edac" : CONFIG_EDAC CONFIG_EDAC_VERSAL : drivers/edac/versal_edac.c # in 6.7–6.14
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