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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_FT_FDC_DMA
You don't need to specify a value if the following default settings for the DMA channel are correct: <<< MACH-2 : 2 >>> <<< FC-10/FC-20: 3 >>> <<< Secondary : 2 >>> Secondary refers to a secondary FDC controller like the "high speed" controllers delivered by Seagate or Exabyte or Iomega's Ditto Dash. Please make sure that the setting for the IO base address specified here is correct. USE THE MANUAL OF YOUR TAPE DRIVE OR CONTROLLER CARD TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT SETTING. If you are already successfully using the tape drive with another operating system then you definitely should use the same settings for the IO base that has proven to work with that other OS.
Note that this menu lets you specify only the default setting for the DMA channel. The hardware configuration can be changed at boot time (when ftape is compiled into the kernel, i.e. if you said Y to "Floppy tape drive") or module load time (i.e. if you said M to "Floppy tape drive").
Please read also the file Documentation/ftape.txt which contains a short description of the parameters that can be set at boot or load time.
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