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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_GPIO_BD71828
Support for GPIOs on ROHM BD71828 PMIC. There are three GPIOs available on the ROHM PMIC in total. The GPIOs are limited to outputs only and pins must be configured to GPIO outputs by OTP. Enable this only if you want to use these pins as outputs.
This driver can also be built as a module. If so, the module will be called gpio-bd71828.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module gpio-bd71828 CONFIG_GPIO_BD71828 : drivers/gpio/Kconfig : "ROHM BD71828 GPIO support" # in 5.6–5.19, 6.0–6.14
lkddb platform "bd71828-gpio" : CONFIG_GPIOLIB CONFIG_GPIO_BD71828 : drivers/gpio/gpio-bd71828.c # in 5.6–5.19, 6.0–6.14
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