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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_HID_U2FZERO
Support for the LED of the U2F Zero device.
U2F Zero supports custom commands for blinking the LED and getting data from the internal hardware RNG. The internal hardware can be used to feed the enthropy pool.
U2F Zero only supports blinking its LED, so this driver doesn't allow setting the brightness to anything but 1, which will trigger a single blink and immediately reset back to 0.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb hid 0003 000010c4 00008acf : CONFIG_HID CONFIG_HID_U2FZERO : drivers/hid/hid-u2fzero.c # in 5.2–5.19, 6.0–6.2, 6.2+HEAD
lkddb hid 0003 000010c4 00008acf : CONFIG_HID_SUPPORT CONFIG_HID_U2FZERO : drivers/hid/hid-u2fzero.c # in 6.3–6.14
lkddb hid 0003 000020a0 00004287 : CONFIG_HID CONFIG_HID_U2FZERO : drivers/hid/hid-u2fzero.c # in 5.16–5.19, 6.0–6.2, 6.2+HEAD
lkddb hid 0003 000020a0 00004287 : CONFIG_HID_SUPPORT CONFIG_HID_U2FZERO : drivers/hid/hid-u2fzero.c # in 6.3–6.14
lkddb module hid-u2fzero CONFIG_HID_U2FZERO : drivers/hid/Kconfig : "U2F Zero LED and RNG support" # in 5.2–5.19, 6.0–6.14
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