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CONFIG_HID: HID bus core support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_HID has multiple definitions:

HID bus core support found in drivers/hid/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_HID:

Help text

A human interface device (HID) is a type of computer device that interacts directly with and takes input from humans. The term "HID" most commonly used to refer to the USB-HID specification, but other devices (such as, but not strictly limited to, Bluetooth) are designed using HID specification (this involves certain keyboards, mice, tablets, etc). This option adds the HID bus to the kernel, together with generic HID layer code. The HID devices are added and removed from the HID bus by the transport-layer drivers, such as usbhid (USB_HID) and hidp (BT_HIDP).

For docs and specs, see

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HID bus support found in drivers/hid/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_HID:

Help text

A human interface device (HID) is a type of computer device that interacts directly with and takes input from humans. The term "HID" most commonly used to refer to the USB-HID specification, but other devices (such as, but not strictly limited to, Bluetooth) are designed using HID specification (this involves certain keyboards, mice, tablets, etc). This option adds the HID bus to the kernel, together with generic HID layer code. The HID devices are added and removed from the HID bus by the transport-layer drivers, such as usbhid (USB_HID) and hidp (BT_HIDP).

For docs and specs, see

If unsure, say Y.

Generic HID support found in drivers/hid/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_HID:

Help text

A human interface device (HID) is a type of computer device that interacts directly with and takes input from humans. The term "HID" most commonly used to refer to the USB-HID specification, but other devices (such as, but not strictly limited to, Bluetooth) are designed using HID specification (this involves certain keyboards, mice, tablets, etc). This option compiles into kernel the generic HID layer code (parser, usages, etc.), which can then be used by transport-specific HID implementation (like USB or Bluetooth).

For docs and specs, see

If unsure, say Y.



Numeric ID (from LKDDb) and names (from pci.ids) of recognized devices:


Numeric ID (from LKDDb) and names (from usb.ids) of recognized devices:


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