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CONFIG_I2C_AT91: Atmel AT91 I2C Two-Wire interface (TWI)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_I2C_AT91:

Help text

This supports the use of the I2C interface on Atmel AT91 processors.

A serious problem is that there is no documented way to issue repeated START conditions for more than two messages, as needed to support combined I2C messages. Use the i2c-gpio driver unless your system can cope with this limitation.

Caution! at91rm9200, at91sam9261, at91sam9260, at91sam9263 devices don't have clock stretching in transmission mode. For that reason, you can encounter underrun issues causing premature stop sendings if the latency to fill the transmission register is too long. If you are facing this situation, use the i2c-gpio driver.



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